Early sales results following the April launch were disappointing and the joint venture s managers had to decide how to respond. The case includes information on the structure of the industry on government regulation and on the preferences of Chinese purchasers of automobiles including information about environmental considerations. Purchase this case hbr product dongfeng nissan s venucia.
PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Dongfeng Nissan s Venucia B The short B case designed for distribution in class describes further complications as an international dispute between the Japanese and Chinese governments created further uncertainties for Chinese consumers and hence for the carmakers. Purchase this case hbr product dongfeng nissan s Chinese Overseas America Number Data venucia b an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Dongfeng Nissan s Venucia C The C case concludes the story it too can be distributed in class. Purchase this case hbr product dongfeng nissan s venucia c an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Accretive Health Mary Tolan CEO Accretive Health examines whether to expand the company s operations in hospital revenue cycle management into the field of Total Cost of Care management.
Purchase this case hbr product accretive health an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Emotion in reviews some of the relevant research and offers advice for managing and dealing with emotions in the negotiation context. In particular negotiators should strive to understand their own emotions and feelings and be aware of the emotions the other party may be expressing. They may buy a no earnings no sales spec as a trade but they flip it quickly. The only true buyer and holder of this stuff that I see is the strategic buyer the corporate line extender or competitor eliminator using his own highly valued security or cash horde as currency. The public will eventually drink this Kool Aid again.Right now they don t aren t even thirsty.