A bootcamp seeks to cover essential skills in a practical way to be able to apply them accurately in a work environment. Why study an online bootcamp? Taking an online bootcamp can have multiple benefits, whether to transition to another career or to increase knowledge in already known skills. Below we tell you the most relevant ones.
1. Job growth Training in a Bootcamp is synonymous Phone Number List with being updated in the most required skills at a technological level. This represents a competitive advantage in the work environment and helps recruiters become interested in your profile. In addition, it trains you in the development of soft skills by working on concepts of creativity, critical thinking, leadership, among others.

2. Peer learning for people who have already had experience in work environments and want to reinforce a specific area of knowledge. Therefore, you will not only have the support of teachers and tutors, but you will also be able to collaborate with colleagues who have already gone through work learning processes similar to yours. 3.